Converting SSH keys for WinSCP


Converting SSH keys for WinSCP

담운 0 1,718 2019.06.06 06:20

If you want to use WinSCP as an SFTP client to connect to your Acquia Cloud servers, you may require you to convert your SSH key into a format compatible with WinSCP. You can use PuTTYgen to convert your key into the .ppk format required by WinSCP.

PuTTYgen is included in the WinSCP installation package.

To convert a key into the .ppk format using PuTTYgen, perform the following steps:

  1. Start PuTTYgen, and in the Conversions menu, click Import key.

  2. In the Load private key window, browse to your SSH private key, select it, and then click Open. Your SSH private key may be located in Users\[user_name]\.ssh.

  3. Enter the passphrase associated with the private key. Note that the key fingerprint confirms the number of bits is 4096.

  4. In the File menu, click Save private key to save the key in .ppk format.

Use the .ppk file as your key when you use WinSCP.

For more information, see the PuTTYgen documentation, including the note about key formats.


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